PCStitch is a program to create cross-stitching patterns from any image.
This program allows you to take almost any graphic image and convert it into a cross-stitch pattern. You will be able to specify the size and number of colors. PCStitch will automatically map them to the floss. You can convert simple images or complex photographs.
If you choose the "Import" option from the File menu, you will be able to import any image to generate the pattern.
You can specify the size of the pattern, the area you want to import or even erase what you don't want to be included in the pattern.
You can edit the brightness and color of your design, and define how many clothes it will have.
You can later collect pieces of cross stitch into categories, to insert them into future designs. Other pattern can be purchased from the developers' site.
You can add text to the pattern using True Type fonts and alignment options.
You can apply borders to the pattern, using the included ones or designing your own.
The unregistered version of PCStitch won't let you print or save the generated patterns.
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